Difference between PC(RGB) Colors and Print(CMYK) colors

9:16 PM 2 Comments

Know more about PC(RGB) Colors and Print(CMYK) colors
Two colors always makes another color, let see in above 2 images how they create different colors.
Image#1: these colors are used in PC, RGB colors.
Image#2: The colors are used for print purposes.(if we are creating any art for printing then we must create them by selecting CMYK color schema.)

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Sunil Kargwal

I'm a 28 year old graphic artist based in Sri Ganganagar, India and also the owner of www.baagdi.com. My specialization is in branding for startups and small-big businesses, I helps in designing everything related to print or web that a brand need to attract their customers in a very professional way. Google | Linkedin | Facebook Page | Twitter


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