लोगो डिजाईन करना सीखें | Basics of logo designing | learn photoshop in hindi

इस विडियो में आप बेसिक लोगो डिजाईन करना व इसके बारे में टिप्स एंड ट्रिक्स देखेंगे. इस विडियो के बाद आप भी लोगो बनाना सीख जाएँगे.

This video has basic tips and tricks of how to design a logo in photoshop. I have described how to choose colors, shapes, and fonts. I have mentioned some free websites to grab fonts, shapes etc. You will learn how to design a logo for a company. Watch this video if you are interested in below titles: Logo designing ideas, logos designing in Hindi, a complete course of logo designing. How to design a company logo. Chennel subscribe karen: https://goo.gl/bhLGkA लोगो कितने प्रकार के होते है हिंदी ब्लॉग पढ़ें? https://goo.gl/t7sWro मेरा ब्लॉग देखें: https://goo.gl/JfKwuS

Sunil Kargwal

I'm a 28 year old graphic artist based in Sri Ganganagar, India and also the owner of www.baagdi.com. My specialization is in branding for startups and small-big businesses, I helps in designing everything related to print or web that a brand need to attract their customers in a very professional way. Google | Linkedin | Facebook Page | Twitter