Image file formats explained | JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, Ai, EPS, SVG, PSD, PDF. Print and digital files

अगर आप ग्राफ़िक डिज़ाइनर है और आपको इन सभी file formats के बारे में नहीं जानतें है तो बड़ी दिक्कतें आ सकती है काम करने में. पूरा विडियो देखें और समझें इनके बारे में सबकुछ.

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how many types of file formats? what kind of file formats are for graphic? what are photo/image file formats? Animated file formats? what are best Print file formats? if you have similar questions then watch this video and give me a LIKE :)

Sunil Kargwal

I'm a 28 year old graphic artist based in Sri Ganganagar, India and also the owner of My specialization is in branding for startups and small-big businesses, I helps in designing everything related to print or web that a brand need to attract their customers in a very professional way. Google | Linkedin | Facebook Page | Twitter